Monday, June 21, 2010

World Cup Fever

Living in a culture that loves Football but hates Futbol is sometimes hard. However like many world competitions I can count on the World Cup to hit the world and everyone around me. I am also lucky enough to work for an employer that knows how people function and allows for events like the World Cup to be shown during work hours in projection TVs. Nothing better than a bunch of non soccer fans enjoying and learning the game for the first time. We even have a Pot-Luck lunch with the theme World Cup as the main dishes this week. Now if only Spain could get their rear in gear and be the team that can win this!

Hope everyone is enjoying their World Cup


  1. They won! They won! you should be excited :)

  2. I'll be rooting for Spain tomorrow. If they win, hope Eric doesn't slash your budget. LOL.
